Updated: Jan 31, 2024
Art-for-All offers a course in drawing from life, with an optional fourth day of figure drawing from a model -
This course is an introduction to life drawing, presented in the fully equipped, air-conditioned (and load-shedding proof!) Art-for-All Studio.
The course starts off with the clarification of the concept of drawing from the right side of the brain, which involves drawing negative space and maintaining a balance between knowing (information) and seeing (observation).
Practice is of the utmost importance, and the drawing exercises performed in class enable the brain to kick into this mode of seeing and drawing. The exercises alternate with discussions and demonstrations of composition, depth, perspective, and value contrast.
Still-life drawings will be done from a photo, then from a still life set up in class; followed by more life drawing. A fourth day of figure drawing from life is optional.
Please bring examples of your work for constructive feedback that will enhance your learning during the course.
Every student gets a course manual, as well a handout on photographing your art. Post-course support is also supplied.
YOUR COURSE INCLUDES: All teas, drinks, and lunches at a local bistro (also discounts on any other meals you might have); professional mounting of one of your pieces produced during the course, if on paper and if time allows.
ACCOMMODATION: We can recommend accommodation options in the village at preferential artist's rates. Visit Bring your partner or friend... there is so much to see and do in our village! Please feel free to contact us if you need to know more.
Bring all your drawing tools and materials - pencils, charcoal sticks, erasers, kneaded erasers, sketch books, sketch pads, rulers, sharpening tools, fixative and masking tape - as discussion and advice regarding these will form part of the course.
Materials can be bought through the studio if arranged well in advance and depending upon availability at our nearest art supplier, but we will lend you some stuff too.
If necessary, ask your art supplier to suggest suitable products similar to those stated below. Please call Susan at (083) 467 9388 if you need advice.
1. A3-size 200g rough cartridge drawing paper, such as an Ashrad Sketch Pad (price around R180+). The studio supplies 80g paper for drawing exercises, and brown paper and newsprint for life drawing.
2. Pencils HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B and a Cretacolor eraser or another eraser suitable for drawing. The Steadtler Tradition red-and-black “school” pencil is excellent and in some cases better than more expensive artist brands. Beware of the fake Steadlers, though – identifiable by the absence of “Tradition” in the description.
3. Soft charcoal sticks and a putty eraser (Cretacolor makes these, too). A soft charcoal pencil is also very handy!
4. White chalk pastel to use with charcoal, e.g. a Cretacolor pastel stick, available in single colours. A good blackboard chalk is often soft enough to use for this purpose.
5. NB: Fixative for your drawings. Clear matt spray varnish is excellent for this purpose and usually much cheaper that artist’s fixative (which is sometimes just clear matt varnish sold under a different label!) You can also use hairspray, but the old-fashioned type, such as Dippity-Do or Fiesta, which is actually a lacquer.
• R3000 per 3-day course (including refreshments during breaks and 3 lunches). The optional fourth day of figure drawing from life costs extra.
• Discount of 5% for groups (two or more people)
• Discount for local residents. Please enquire.
• Regular weekly classes can be arranged.
• A deposit of R1500 is required upon booking, with the balance due when the course starts; or we can arrange a monthly payment plan. Fifty per cent of the deposit can be refunded if a cancellation is received up to one month before the course starts; no refunds if cancelled less than a month before the course or if the course has been postponed already.
JAN. 18 - 20 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). FEB. 22 - 24 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). MAR. 21 - 23 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). APR. 18 - 20 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). MAY 23 - 25 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). JUN. 20 - 22 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). JUL. 18 - 20 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). AUG. 22 - 24 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). SEPT. 19 - 21 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). OCT. 17 - 19 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). NOV. 21 - 23 (Thurs. to Sat.) Life-drawing Basics (optional 4th day of figure-drawing from life). DEC. - by arrangement after December 15.
(Tailor-made courses are also available.)
Storms River Village is a popular adventure tourism destination that offers adventure and outdoors activities, nature trails, birding, restaurants and a spa. Selected accommodation options are available to our students at preferential rates - all within walking distance of the studio. The relevant information will also be supplied to you. Give us a call - we would love to share our art and our village with you. Also, have a peek at our Facebook page and website:
Enquiries: Susan (083) 467 9388 or
The Art of learning Art -
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